Nutrition Assistance Programs at the Market
Connecticut's Farmers' Market Nutrition Programs (FMNP) are a popular set of supplemental food programs offered in conjunction with most Connecticut farmers’ markets. Farmers certified by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture through these nutrition programs are authorized to accept vouchers distributed to eligible program participants for use at eligible farmers' markets.
All farm vendors at the Monroe Farmers Market are certified to accept the following:
All farm vendors at the Monroe Farmers Market are certified to accept the following:
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
The WIC FMNP is a congressionally authorized program administered by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAG) and jointly funded by the State of Connecticut and the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (USDA-FNS).
This program provides benefits to Women, Infants and Children (WIC) who are identified as “nutritionally at risk,” to buy fresh fruits and vegetables (no honey or eggs) at FMNP authorized farmers’ markets.
This program provides benefits to Women, Infants and Children (WIC) who are identified as “nutritionally at risk,” to buy fresh fruits and vegetables (no honey or eggs) at FMNP authorized farmers’ markets.
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
The SFMNP is a supplemental food program for low income seniors, it is similar in most respects to the WIC FMNP except that honey and eggs CAN be purchased with them. The cards you are provided are only redeemable at Farmers Markets certified by the Dept of Agriculture as 'CT Grown' Markets which we are. Monroe residents should be working directly with Monroe Social Services dept to determine eligibility.
Each eligible recipient receives a card with the allotted dollar amount loaded on it which can be redeemed at SFMNP authorized markets throughout Connecticut for fruits, vegetables, fresh cut herbs, and honey. Funds can be spent at any of our Farmers in any amount up to the max allotment they have received.
Senior FMNP checks are issued to Municipal Agents or Social/Elderly Service Directors by the CT DoAG. The vouchers are then distributed by the Municipal Agents or Social/Elderly Service Directors to their seniors clients.
Each eligible recipient receives a card with the allotted dollar amount loaded on it which can be redeemed at SFMNP authorized markets throughout Connecticut for fruits, vegetables, fresh cut herbs, and honey. Funds can be spent at any of our Farmers in any amount up to the max allotment they have received.
Senior FMNP checks are issued to Municipal Agents or Social/Elderly Service Directors by the CT DoAG. The vouchers are then distributed by the Municipal Agents or Social/Elderly Service Directors to their seniors clients.