The Monroe Farmers' Market
About the Market
Vendor List
Vendor Gallery
Become a Vendor
Visiting Vendor Program
Sponsor List
Become a Sponsor
Sponsor Guidelines
Volunteer Opportunities
Hometown Table
Musical Performers
Market Minis
Nutrition Assistance Programs
Visiting Vendor Contact and Business Information
If your business does not match the Market requirements to be an official vendor, there still may be an opportunity to participate as a 'Visiting Vendor'. This program is $40 per visit and you are allowed three visits per Season. If you are attending one of our Special Events days, the fee is $50. Please use this form to provide us with information about your business so we can use it to reach out to you and see if it is a fit. If you are accepted, we will use the completed information you provided to promote you on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and our weekly Newsletter.
Please note the following requirements & restrictions before applying.
-We do not encourage competition, so if you are selling a product that is already carried at our Market, your application will not be approved
-If you have a food item that you sell, it will need to come from a Commercial Kitchen and your license will need to be submitted, and a license from Monroe Health Dept (we can get you that information)
-We typically only accept applications where the items being sold are made from CT based sources, materials, or ingredients
-You are expected to be a registered business with the state of CT
-You will be required to submit a Certificate of Insurance for a Liability insurance policy with the Town of Monroe named as an additional insured
Indicates required field
Business Name
The name of your farm or business.
Business Address
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Contact Name
This information will not be made public.
Contact Email
This information will not be made public.
Contact Phone Number
This information will not be made public.
Are you a registered business (aka LLC) within the State of CT? We do require this, so if you are not, we will not be able to accept you as a vendor.
Do you have a minimum of a $1m liability policy on your business. If not, we will not be able to accept you as a vendor.
Facebook Page
Business Information and Products
Business Description
Tell us your story! Describe your business to generate interest in the products that you grow or make and sell.
Products or Services Available
Please provide a detailed list of the products you intend to sell at the farmers' market. If your product offerings change throughout the market season, be sure to list those items as well.
Which dates are you interested in attending? PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU ARE ABLE TO CHOOSE 3 DATES ONLY
June 14
June 21
June 28
July 6
July 12
July 19
July 26
August 2
August 9
August 16
August 23
August 30
September 6
September 13
September 20
September 27
October 4
October 11
October 18
October 25
Submit Request
About the Market
Vendor List
Vendor Gallery
Become a Vendor
Visiting Vendor Program
Sponsor List
Become a Sponsor
Sponsor Guidelines
Volunteer Opportunities
Hometown Table
Musical Performers
Market Minis
Nutrition Assistance Programs